Alumni Communities - CUHK Business School Alumni

The MBA Alumni Association of the CUHK

Founded in 1997, the CUMBA Alumni Association (CUMBA AA) covers alumni from all modes of the MBA programs (e.g., Full-time, Part-time, EMBA, OneMBA, etc.) and offers the widest and strongest alumni networking opportunity for alumni from all professions in Hong Kong and overseas. The CUMBA AA aims to establish friendships and co-operation amongst past CUMBA students and with our community. In addition to charity work, the CUMBA AA organizes a wide varieties of activities for our members and their families, such as the 50th anniversary dinner, elite mentorship programme, career seminars, healthcare talks, distinguished speaker series, inter-university events, eco-cycling tours, music appreciation, dinner/ lunch gatherings, magic workshop, sports & recreation events, etc. Our Council Members would love to hear from you, and we look forward to meeting you in the upcoming activities!
