【Alumni Hall of Records】Adrian Tam (OneMBA 2010): Mastering mentorship to empower through life coaching

The “Alumni Hall of Record” series has spotlighted remarkable alumni, ranging from early graduate to top scorer. In this edition, we have the honour of featuring Adrian Tam (OneMBA 2010), the General Manager of Sales and Marketing at Octopus Cards Limited. Adrian, who has been part of a few mentorship programmes for over a decade, holds the record for the highest number of mentees in CUHK Business School by far. As a seasoned mentor, Adrian embodies humility, prioritising the needs of his mentees and dedicating himself wholeheartedly to the mentorship relationship. He excels in his role as a facilitator, committed to guiding and nurturing the development of his mentees. CUHK Business School is privileged to have a dedicated community of alumni who actively contribute to its development. Beyond their generous financial donations, many alumni engage in mentorship schemes organised by different programme offices, sharing their professional and life experiences with young students to help them understand themselves better and achieve their goals. Adrian, driven by a desire to “help young people increase their workplace competitiveness'”, joined the mentorship programme in 2012. Over the past decade and more, Adrian has guided more than 20 students, where both he and mentees thrive and form lasting bonds. “Don’t assume that the younger generation will automatically buy into your stories, and don’t mentor with the expectation of personal gain. What matters most is whether the interaction generate meaningful insights with take away skills for the students each time,” Adrian reflects. Over the past decade and more, he has dedicated himself wholeheartedly to his mentorship relationships, always hoping his students can truly benefit. “I don’t attach any labels to my mentees; my role is to facilitate their journey in finding the right path,” he adds. With several decades of professional experience, Adrian has navigated both the peaks and valleys of his career. From retail, advertising, telecommunications to the payment industry, from immigrating abroad to returning to Hong Kong, from being headhunted to experiencing layoffs, and eventually changing careers to rise again, Adrian is grateful for these highs and lows that have enriched his life. They have taught him the importance of maintaining a humble heart and truly listening to the needs of his mentees, a quality he finds particularly crucial in a mentorship relationship. When asked about his affinity for mentoring, Adrian humorously attributes it to his youthful spirit, expressing a genuine enjoyment of interacting with younger individuals. He finds pleasure in discussing a wide range of topics, from career development to financial management, and even economic and current affairs, with his mentees. He takes a proactive approach in sharing his personal interests, such as pet behaviour, driving, diving, and shooting sports. Adrian believes that cultivating a mentorship dynamic that combines elements of friendship and guidance fosters mutual trust and rapport between himself and his mentees. In addition to sharing his personal interests, Adrian also arranges special workshops for his mentees. For undergraduate students, this typically involves conducting mock interviews. Students are tasked with selecting a job vacancy from the company’s website, after which Adrian plays the role of interviewer. This exercise allows students to assess their readiness for real interviews and identify areas for improvement. Adrian emphasises the importance of asking insightful questions during interviews while cautioning against asking unproductive ones. For MBA students, Adrian offers character and talent analysis sessions. He has observed that many MBA students contemplate transitioning to new roles or industries but struggle with effectively packaging themselves and standing out. “I always remind them not to underestimate themselves. They need to adjust their mindset and discover their own unique selling points from their own experience,” he advises. For alumni interested in becoming mentors, Adrian offers a few reminders: find joy in the process, maintain an open-minded attitude, and engage in active listening during interactions with young mentees. “If your mentees are unresponsive, take the time to understand why. It could be due to personality differences. Once you identify the underlying reason, you can work towards resolving the situation.” In an uncertain global economic climate, what should one do if faced with unexpected job loss? Drawing from his rich professional experiences, Adrian shares three essential strategies to help individuals navigate career challenges with resilience. “Who would have anticipated a pandemic lasting over three years?” Adrian emphasises the importance of readiness, even in times of calm. It’s crucial to prepare for potential unemployment by ensuring one has sufficient savings to cover expenses for at least a year. “This financial cushion alleviates the pressure of urgent job hunting and safeguards your bargaining power.” Proactively maintaining connections within the industry is crucial. Adrian states that this not only keeps your peers informed of your latest status, but also provides opportunities for you to stay updated on industry developments, preparing you for what lies ahead. As the old adage says, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. Adrian underscores the importance of building and leveraging professional networks. Opportunities often arise through networking and casual conversations, making it essential to invest in relationship-building efforts. “If you don’t already have a network, now is the time to explore actively and cultivate it on a daily basis over time,” Adrian advises. CUHK Business School alumni are everywhere, transcending geographical and industrial boundaries. To explore more inspiring alumni stories, please click HERE. And click HERE to understand how you can support us.
Adrian remains in contact with several of his former mentees.
Adrian conducts mock interviews with his mentees, assisting them in identifying areas for improvement.
Assisting students in discovering their unique strengthThree survival tips in navigating career
1. Always be prepared
2. Keep your options open
3. Cultivate a strong network