Entrepreneur corner: Character marketing trends and how it works

Through character marketing, Flying Milk Tea, a platform targetting to provide Chinese creators to express their creativity through writing and artwork, has amassed over 20,000 active users and 7mil pageviews in less than a year of its operations. Since establishment, they have worked on projects for various companies from Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong for their character marketing needs.
As a graduate team from CUHK PI Centre, Flying Milk Tea has won the Champion of Vice Chancellor’s Challenge Cup 2020, as well as the 2nd runner up from CUHK Entrepreneurship Competition 2020.
How can new businesses attract customers rapidly? What is character marketing? How did Flying Milk Tea achieve so much in just one year? Come to this fireside chat to learn more!
About Flying Milk Tea
Flying Milk Tea is a Chinese online platform that integrates creative work submission, social media, and online store. It is the first website in the whole world with the “Adversarial Neural Cryptography” to protect creators’ copyrights. It has attracted a vast userbase of teenagers from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore, and strives to develop new markets for creators, as well as providing a nurturing environment for creators to express their creativity through writing and artwork.