Fireside Chat – When ESG Meets Fintech: Cyberport Startup Stories

Business Sustainability Seminar Series: Fireside Chat – When ESG Meets Fintech: Cyberport Startup Stories
Fintech is used to be a disruptor and becoming a critical enabler in financial markets. Financial institutions which embrace emerging technology will definitely better achieve sustainability. Cyberport, as a well-established innovative digital community and a FinTech hub of Hong Kong with over 380 Fintech companies, has been advocating FinTech for ESG. In this fireside chat facilitated by Professor Kalok Chan, Rico Tang from Cyberport will tell the stories of Cyberport Startups about how new and innovative solutions can be generated to facilitate ESG investment and Green Finance. During the talk, Rico will give an overview of the development of FinTech X ESG in Cyberport. He will then deep dive into technology for the capital market and discuss the challenges that the startups face and their solutions, focusing on ESG investment analytics, ESG credit rating service, and Green Metal Trading Platform. He will also share knowledge and insights on how data collection and analytics can provide more transparency to support decision making in the capital market.