Glocalization Series: The “Global Yijing” Lecture Series (V) The Yijing in Asian Religions

The “Global Yijing” lecture series situate the Yijing studies of East Asia (particularly their religious implications) in the broad context of the global circulation of texts and ideas. After overwhelming response for the talks by Professor Dennis K. H. Cheng, Professor Tze-ki Hon and Professor John T. P. Lai, we are honoured to invite Professor Benjamin NG Wai-ming, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong to be our speaker for the upcoming talk.
This talk will introduce how Yijing-related concepts, symbols, numbers and divination methods interacted with different Asian religious traditions. Using Japanese Shinto, Islam in China and Tibetan Buddhism as examples, it will explain the process of globalization and localization of the Yijing in Asia through the lens of religious exchanges.