Virtual MBA Information Session & Sample Class on “Inflation Resurgence? What Are the Economic & Market Implications?”

The COVID-19 global recovery is underway, and China is leading the resurgence. With unprecedented policy stimulus, demand is picking up; yet production capacity expansion remains low in many industries, causing demand-driven inflationary pressures. Should we worry about the effects of inflation on the global economy and financial markets? Will a QE-driven bond bubble lead to another financial crisis? Or will this be easily managed by central banks, leading to healthy and overdue asset re-allocation?
We are pleased to invite Prof. Paul Kitney to deliver an MBA Sample Class on these issues. Prof. Kitney has over 30 years’ experience in Asian investment banking and as a hedge fund manager. He has worked at firms such as Morgan Stanley, Blackrock and recently at Daiwa Capital Markets as Chief Equity Strategist (APAC).
Prof. Kitney will use simple models to analyse inflation in the economy and discuss implications for the bond, equity, currency, gold and cryptocurrency markets.
You will also get an overview on our MBA curriculum, career support, alumni network, application process, scholarships and financial support, and much more.
- MBA Programmes Introduction
- Sample Class on “Inflation Resurgence? What Are the Economic & Market Implications?” by Prof. Paul Kitney
- Q&A Session