CUHK Business School Recognises Outstanding Academic Achievements of Graduates and Bestows Beta Gamma Sigma Honour

The CUHK Business School Academic Excellence Awards Ceremony for undergraduate graduates and the Dean’s List Awards Ceremony for postgraduate graduates were held on 9 Nov and 11 Nov, respectively, coinciding with the graduation ceremonies. These events served as momentous occasions to celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of the graduates. Additionally, the Beta Gamma Sigma CUHK Chapter Honoree Induction was held in place of the Dean’s List Awards Ceremony.
The Academic Excellence Awards and Dean’s List Awards were established to honour the outstanding academic achievements of CUHK Business School graduates. The Academic Excellence Awards were presented to undergraduates who graduated with First Class Honours, while the Dean’s List Award was bestowed upon the top 20% of all taught postgraduate students from the Class of 2023, with a cumulative GPA of 3.6 and above.
The ceremonies were attended by over 300 awardees and 500 guests comprising their families and friends altogether. Professor Lin Zhou, Dean of CUHK Business School, and other faculty members graced the occasions to acknowledge the graduates.
Academic Excellence Awards Ceremony
Dean’s List Awards Ceremony and Beta Gamma Sigma CUHK Chapter Honoree Induction
Professor Zhou congratulated the awardees for their outstanding academic performance throughout their studies at CUHK Business School. He encouraged them to leverage their accomplishments to make a meaningful impact in their future professions and in society. He also emphasised the importance for the awardees, now alumni, to give back to their alma mater by supporting current students and fostering a stronger alumni community.
Professor Zhou encouraged awardees to make positive impacts
Subsequently, during the Beta Gamma Sigma CUHK Chapter Honoree Induction, Vincent Chui (BBA Marketing 1985), Managing Director, Head of Wealth Management, Asia Pacific at Morgan Stanley, and Chief Executive of Morgan Stanley Bank Asia Limited, was presented with the honour by Professor Zhou. The award is given to veteran business leaders who embody the ideals of Beta Gamma Sigma through their exceptional leadership. Vincent, who was also the Guest of Honour for the Doctoral and Master’s Degrees Graduation Ceremony this year, sets an exemplary example as a proud member of CUHK Business School
Vincent Chui, pictured on the left in the top photo, received the recognition from Professor Zhou and was joined by faculty members of CUHK Business School
Once again, we would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the deserving awardees, and we look forward to meeting each and every one of you again as our esteemed alumni!
Click HERE for full album of Academic Excellence Awards Ceremony
Click HERE for full album of Dean’s List Awards Ceremony and Beta Gamma Sigma CUHK Chapter Honoree Induction