#StrongerTogether – The Best Remedy to the Community: Our Support to Each Other

Dear Alumni,

Thank you for your continuous support to the CUHK Business School!

It has been a challenging start to the year with the outbreak of COVID-19. Despite the adversity, we believe the situation can eventually be overcome as long as we all hold hand in hand to support each other.

During this period, we have been exploring ways to better serve and engage our alumni. With the Alumni Portal, you can harness the power of CUHK Business School Alumni network. Simply login to your account to use the services below:

Alumni Directory – search and connect with alumni in particular industry
Job Board – find your next play or recruit from fellow alumni
Business Directory – this new function available in May allows you to promote your business within the alumni network.

At the same time, we hope you can spare a moment to show your support to our students who are suffering from the uncertainty caused by COVID-19. It could be one or more of the following supports or any simple acts you prefer to cheer them up:

  • A short video interview/a photo of you with the encouraging message
  • 15-min call with undergraduate students for career consultation
  • Provide internship and job opportunities

Kindly sign up to indicate your preferences if you are interested and we will further contact you for the arrangements. Your feedback by 30 April 2020 is much appreciated.

Together we can make a difference. We look forward to overcoming the challenges with our unified efforts!
Warm Regards,
Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office
CUHK Business School