EMBA Sample Class and Info Session

Digital Transformation: Opportunities and Challenges for Traditional Industries
The COVID-19 has accelerated the digital transformation in an unprecedented manner. According to a survey issued by McKinsey & Co. in October 2020, the rate of digitization has accelerated by three to four years. All industries must understand and embrace the new trends to evolve and stay competitive. As visionary leaders in the digital economy, we need to take the drive to transform our business into a digital business, our mindset to become digital natives and our people into digital talents. Disruptive innovation is seriously impacting us either now or inevitably soon.
In this sharing session, Professor Charm will share with the participants how we can lead by digital.
In this session, you will:
- Learn about the Programme Highlights
- Experience an EMBA Sample Class by our top-notch faculty Prof. Toa Charm
- Hear from our Alumni about their unique learning experiences and career growth and transformation through EMBA study
- Meet the Admissions Team and get personalised advice on your EMBA candidacy