CUHK Business School brings a different graduation photo experience to Class of 2020 with the use of AR technology!

Graduation ceremony will be taken place on November 19 – 21 and December 9 this year. With the persistent threat of COVID-19, some graduates will not be able to attend the ceremony in person; while graduation photo session organised by Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office every year has to be cancelled under the University’s social distancing measures. As such, we have created a photo taking app harnessing the power of AR technology to let Business School graduates capture this precious and meaningful moment with their respected professors.

Developed with the support of our devoted alumnus Lucas Leung (BBA in Hotel and Tourism Management 2013) and his company TraVR, there are two versions of this AR photo taking app — one allows graduates to take photos with hologram images of their professors in CUHK campus, and one for graduates in China and overseas who cannot be in the campus physically to still take a photo with the hologram image of the Dean of Business School. Geographical constraints cannot block our way of capturing such important moments!

The graduates of Class of 2020 will receive the details of this AR app soon. Stay tuned and Happy Graduation!

Business School graduates of Class 2020 can use the AR photo app to take a photo with the hologram images of the dean and professors