CUHK Business School Career Fair 2021 Successfully Concluded

Organised by Career Management Centre, MBA & Master’s Programmes (CMC), CUHK Business School Career Fair 2021 was concluded successfully in hybrid format on 13 March (Saturday). Prof. Lin ZHOU, Dean of CUHK Business School delivered the welcoming speech to thank all participants, including more than 40 corporate partners who supported the fair by hosting corporate booths, giving insightful career talks and conducting CV & Industry Consultation Hub. Nearly 300 business school students attended the fair physically to learn the latest industry trends and start building professional network.
CMC will continue to provide professional career advice, organise recruitment and career events to nurture our CUHK Business School students to become future global business leaders. If you or your corporation is looking for young talents, interested to partner with CMC for future career events or any internship and job opportunities available, please reach out CMC Office at Follow CMC LinkedIn Page for more latest news.