MBA Alumni Career Advisors Scheme Networking Night

Current students and recent graduates of the MBA programme were excited to kick-start their new year with their career advisors through the first networking event for the CUHK MBA Alumni Career Advisors Scheme (ACAS) in early January.
ACAS is a recently rebranded initiative designated to step up career support for the up-and-coming leaders in the MBA community. Participants can make one-on-one consultation appointments with career advisors, who are MBA alumni with profound experience in industries like financial services, technology and platforms, fast moving consumer goods, entrepreneurship, consulting and strategy, etc.
Prof. Lin Zhou, Dean of CUHK Business School, Prof. Seen-Meng Chew, Associate Dean (External Engagement) and Prof Wan Wongsunwai, Associate Dean (MBA Programmes) presented appreciation certificates to all attended career advisors at the occasion to recognise their unfailing support to the programme.