Become Our Global Alumni Ambassador and Help Us Build a Stronger Community!

CUHK Business School has always made it a top priority to forge a stronger alumni community worldwide. Over the past two years, we are privileged to have over 70 dedicated Global Alumni Ambassadors (GAAs) across six continents to join us on this mission, and now we are calling for greater support for bigger impact!

All alumni who will reside outside of Hong Kong in the coming two years are welcome to sign up as our esteemed GAAs^. As “face of CUHK Business School” in your locality, you will serve as a bridge to help:

  • CONNECT global alumni to our alumni network and CUHK Business School, especially in areas not covered by any alumni associations
  • ADVOCATE on our behalf to prospective students and the public
  • PROMOTE our global presence, development efforts and engagement activities to alumni

The tenure of GAAs will last for two years, and the Alumni Office of the CUHK Business School will fully support you throughout. A Starter Kit* with useful tools to help you connect with fellow alumni will be provided, and there will be regular communications and get-togethers to keep you informed about happenings in the community. It will be a fruitful journey not only about giving back but also building meaningful connections and making positive impacts on the alumni community and beyond. Hear what our current GAAs have to say about it:

Fion Wan (PACC 2002)
The United States

Being a Global Alumni Ambassador allows me to build new connections with alumni and expand my network. Meeting up with them always brings back warm memories!


Paola Perversi (MBA 2015)

I feel proud to be the face of CUHK Business School in my locality! The experience has strengthened my bond with my alma mater and encouraged me to do more for the alumni community.


Danny Chung (IBBA 1990)

It is amazing to see that my experience and connections here can support other alumni and visiting faculty members in their pursuits. It has been a rewarding experience for me too!


For further details of the programme, please refer to the GAA Programme Playbook . If you are interested in becoming part of the community, please fill in the registration form. Successful registrants will receive a confirmation at the end of June with an invitation to participate in the online inauguration ceremony in July.

Your support is crucial to us as we continue to build on the 60-year legacy of the CUHK Business School. We look forward to working with you to strengthen the alumni community and CUHK Business School!

^Alumni in areas with presence of location-based Alumni Associations (AAs), including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, are encouraged to connect with the AA in their locality instead to stay connected with the wider alumni community

*Physical copies of the Starter Kit are available on a first-come-first-served basis while stocks last. The rest will receive digital sets